What Professionals Say


“This book not only provides step-by-step instructions for setting up teen bereavement groups, but also provides numerous activities geared to helping teenagers navigate the mourning process.  It is an excellent resource.”

--J.  William Worden, Ph.D., author,

Children and Grief: When a Parent Dies


“This is a wonderful resource—a must-have book for facilitators of teen groups.  It is not simply a book of “’touchy-feely’ exercises, but a theoretically grounded and sound guide to the complex process of grief.”

--Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D., Senior Consultant, the Hospice Foundation of America; author,

Living with Grief: Children, Adolescents, and Loss

Helping Teens Work Through Grief is an outstanding resource for any adult working with bereaved adolescents.  Its clear and practical presentation provides a wealth of information about grieving teens as well as helpful techniques parents and professionals can use to work with them.”

 --Linda Goldman, MS, LPC, author,

Breaking the Silence: A guide to Helping Children with Complicated Grief



Table of Contents

About the Author

Crazy Grief

Accompanying Teens Whose Lives Are Touched By Loss

Grief Links

How to Order

Teen Grief Group

Email Author